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From The Principal - Welcoming Semester Two

Over the Term 2 holidays the school became a very quiet and ‘lifeless’ place without the joy and laughter of students and staff going about their daily lessons. As I reflect back on the busy term that’s just concluded, I can’t help but smile and be grateful for the absolute joy that everyone brings to this place of learning and how much I miss them when they’re not here. While our school is certainly more visually appealing than most, especially the landscaped surrounds, stunning views and creative works of art, it misses what it was designed and intended for:

• A home that welcomes

• A parish that evangelises

• A school that prepares for life

• A playground where friends meet and enjoy themselves

That sense of welcome takes place on a daily basis in our Oratories and in our Classrooms. It’s also a feature for all our visitors, who always comment on how welcoming and grateful our students are. Last term, we welcomed prospective students and their parents, primary school tour groups, many special guest speakers, new staff and even a few new offspring on our farm!

Our faith, deeply rooted in the spirituality of St Francis de Sales and St John Bosco, encourages us to bring God’s love to each and every person we meet. Our faith is nourished through prayer and liturgical celebrations, but it comes to life through our actions, both big and small. How wonderful to witness the depth of giving to our Social Justice causes during House Feast Weeks, or to see the joy that our students bring to others through activities like ‘Alice in Wonderland’ or visits to local Nursing Homes.

One of our biggest challenges this year was to bring ‘My Salesian Passport’ to life after many years of consultation, planning and preparation. We concluded our first semester of this innovative new curriculum structure with student-led conferences, subject selection evenings and reports, and I’m so pleased to have received such positive and constructive feedback about the journey thus far. We are definitely witnessing an improvement in learning engagement and a deeper commitment to excellence. A walk through the College on any day of the week will see students diving head-long into incredible new subject offerings and undertaking course work at a level that allows them to stretch themselves. We’re definitely preparing students with the skills and knowledge for a successful life beyond the College.

As for ‘playgrounds’, we need to think beyond the daily recess and lunch breaks. Our playgrounds extend into Art and Music, STEAM, SACCSS Sport, Agriculture, Sacred Earth and much more. Our new RUAH Program allows students (and staff) to engage in passions and pursuits that would normally lie well outside the curriculum, like bee-keeping, knitting and childcare for example. In a world that seems obsessed by online engagement, our students are definitely enjoying the chance to engage with each other in some of the more tech-free activities on offer, whilst at the same time building positive connections with each other and with our community. 

Like most, I’ve been glad to put some space between myself and the busy-ness of Semester one, but I’m definitely excited to see what’s around the corner as we enter the second half of the year. Something very special about our school that makes you want to be here. Without a doubt, it’s the staff and students that bring it, and me, to life. May I take this opportunity to wish all students and staff a safe return for Term 3 and offer a very warm ‘welcome’ to those joining us for the first time. I hope you come to appreciate the richness of this school, especially the beautiful Salesian charism that underscores everything we do.

To read other articles from our July Newsletter CLICK HERE.

Article Author : Principal Mark Brockhus