Our Ciantar Learning Commons opened in 2018 and is a modern space, and a
thriving and essential part of College life. It is a place where
students and teachers gather for learning, reading, communication,
collaboration and leisure.
It is a physical and virtual learning and collaborative space that
connects learners and helps them to construct knowledge and build
understanding. The multi zoned spaces inspire, motivate and expand the
horizons of students.
Curriculum support provided for classes,
individual students and Year 12 private study groups are available in
the various zones.
Our Learning Commons aims to inspire, motivate and support 21st
century students and the education staff in our community environment.
Students can expand their horizons through its learning and reading
programs, resources, activity groups and special events.
The Wide Reading Initiatives encourage students to become independent
lifelong readers who understand the joy of reading, and who regularly
engage in sustained reading in a range of genres, complexity and media.